piątek, 2 marca 2018

Dlaczego oryginalne śruby głowic nadają sie do muzeum?

Bo wykręcenie urwanej trwa długo!

3 komentarze:

  1. Good morning! Is the carburator Graetzin Sa 24/1(2) or the other one?
    I can not identify whether or not.
    Please teach me if you do not mind.

  2. I have little to do with original gas generators and I do not know.

  3. Thank you. Sorry, I mistook English gramer. Is it the carburator Graetzin Sa 24/1(2)?

    And when you have some time, I want you to teach me.
    Do you know BMW R75's spoke and nipple's diameter, nipple's height from the rim and Noris fuse box ZBT205/1 dimension(width, height and thickness)?
    I am interested in BMW R75 very much.
